Category: <span>Bible commentary: preachers & teachers</span>

Summary: In this biblical passage, Jesus responds to those who complain about him keeping close company with “sinners” by telling the Parable of the Prodigal Son (and His Brother and Father). The parable describes a wayward son who is warmly welcomed home, as well as another son who never left home but remains wayward in his own way.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.




Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, Jesus responds to the mention of lives lost as results of a massacre and a random accident by telling a parable about an unfruitful fig tree and imploring people to repent. The parable holds out the hope of grace in the midst of existence’s all-too-vivid precariousness.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.


Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: I confess, I don’t think much of Lent. Most people, I suspect, already live pretty aware of their brokenness and mortality all year long. I yearn for churches to spend more time talking about how this life matters and how we can encounter and even bear the Divine amid all our brokenness. Lent seems a good time to do that. I wrote this essay to help preachers think about preaching the gospel texts assigned by the lectionary during Lent (Year C in the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary).

Read the full article on Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers

Summary: In this biblical passage, Jesus heals Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who encounters him along the road not far from Jerusalem. Bartimaeus responds by becoming one of Jesus’ followers.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, Jesus promises that “the truth” will set people free. People know the truth (which, in John’s Gospel, refers to the knowledge of God that Jesus reveals) when they dwell in his word—in him and his message. The lectionary assigns this text for Reformation Day (October 31).

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, two of Jesus’ followers, James and John, ask to be seated at Jesus’ right and left in his glory. Jesus responds by teaching about living as a servant, in contrast to the domination and tyranny perpetuated by those who seek power.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, a rich man comes to Jesus with a question about eternal life. Jesus tells him to sell what he owns and distribute the money to the poor.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, Jesus in response to a question put to him by a group of Pharisees teaches about divorce and remarriage.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, Jesus warns against practicing piety in public, to gain the approval of others. The lectionary assigns this passage for Ash Wednesday.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary

Summary: In this biblical passage, Paul tells believers in Rome about God’s “righteousness,” which is God’s activity to bring about salvation and justice. Jesus reveals and accomplishes this righteousness in his death and resurrection, and Paul offers a pastiche of images to express as much.

I wrote this biblical commentary for those preparing to preach or teach on the passage. Read the commentary at Working Preacher.

Bible commentary: preachers & teachers commentary